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Pallion Point Fish Lids: Hand-Designed Ocean Gear

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Pallion Point Fish Lids Hand-Designed Ocean Gear at Diversworld Cairns

Discover the allure of Pallion Point fish lids, a brand born in the coastal paradise of Airlie Beach, Australia. Designed for ocean enthusiasts, these unique and hand-designed fish lids capture the essence of marine life, while also promoting ocean conservation. In this article, we’ll explore the craftsmanship behind Pallion Point, their commitment to marine conservation, and share care instructions to ensure your fish lid remains a faithful companion during your salty adventures.

Today, the brand not only offers apparel, but also has a mentoring program that teaches marine skills and fosters care for the environment. Founder Dennis Fay’s passion for the ocean and helping others has been a driving force in the success of Salty Monkeys.

Born in Airline Beach: Where Ocean Meets Inspiration

For the Pallion Point team, the ocean is not just a backdrop; it’s a way of life. Inspired by the pristine beauty of the Whitsundays, Pallion Point fish lids are crafted for those who live and play by the sea. Recognising a need for an all-inclusive ocean brand, Pallion Point has created a product range that embraces every ocean lover.

Hand-Designed for Ocean Lovers: Capturing Marine Magic

Founder Ashleigh’s passion for the sea shines through in Pallion Point’s unique fish lid designs. Each lid features meticulously hand-drawn marine species, evoking the familiarity and love Australians have for their marine environment.

These intricately stitched designs, combined with washed cotton, result in the humble Fish Lid, a must-have accessory for every ocean enthusiast.

Ocean Conservation: Giving Back to the Big Blue

Pallion Point holds a deep commitment to protect the ocean, which serves as the foundation of their brand. In 2021, they launched their Conservation Range, a tangible way to give back to the ocean and its inhabitants.

For every Turtle Lid sold, Pallion Point donates $5 to Ballina Byron Sea Turtle Hospitals and Australian Seabird Rescue Inc., supporting their efforts to protect and rehabilitate marine wildlife.


Care Instructions: Preserving Your Fish Lid’s Integrity

To ensure your Pallion Point fish lid withstands the test of time, it’s essential to follow these care instructions:

  1. Rinse with fresh water: After every ocean outing, rinse your fish lid with fresh water to maintain its softness and prevent clasp corrosion.

  2. Gentle hand-washing: If your fish lid shows signs of wear, such as sweat marks, dirt, or salt stains, a gentle hand-wash using cold water and light detergent or mild soap should restore its freshness. Avoid excessive rubbing and handle it with care.

  3. Air dry in the shade: Never put your fish lid in the dryer, as it may alter its shape. Instead, air dry it in the shade after washing to preserve its form and integrity.

  4. Protect from the sun: In warm or tropical climates, store your lid in a dry and shaded place to prevent fading caused by sun exposure. Avoid leaving it in direct sunlight, such as on the dashboard of your car.

Please note: Exposure to salt water may cause hardware corrosion if not rinsed properly. Pallion Point stands behind the quality of their products, but it’s essential to show love to your fish lid by rinsing it after saltwater exposure.


Pallion Point fish lids embody the spirit of the ocean, meticulously designed and hand-drawn to capture the marine magic we all adore. 

With a commitment to ocean conservation and support for marine wildlife organisations, Pallion Point combines style and purpose.

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